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Seasonal Wellness Helpers!

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Seasonal Wellness Helpers!

When it comes to supporting your immune system during the cold season (and beyond) there are so many options to choose from. Here are a few of my favorite (tried and tested) wellness season remedies. What I like about herbs, supplements/'nutraceuticals' is that they often help your body to heal itself, rather than just masking the symptoms--the way a lot of over the counter medicines do. 

As always remember supplements are not a replacement for proper diet (easy on the sugar), fresh air, staying active, reducing stress, and adequate sleep. :) 

Multivitamin: A multivitamin is important for supporting your health and immune system--they generally have the vitamins and minerals needed for supporting your immune system such as vitamin c, vitamin d, selenium and zinc. A multivitamin is needed year round--but especially during this time of year. I wrote a bit about multivitamins here

Right now I am loving Nutrigold's multivitamins!
(though megafood still holds a special place in my heart)

Probiotics: Healthy Gut, Healthy Body! Probiotics can help strengthen the gut which in turn protects harmful substances from entering the bloodstream. It's a common idea that the majority of your immune system is influenced by (or lives in your) your gut. Any reputable probiotic can potentially support your immune system--though there are probiotics featuring specific blends of probiotic strains that have been researched to have an even greater impact on the immune system. 
..an example of this kind of probiotic is Renew Life Daily Immune Probiotic 25 Billion. I wrote about probiotics here


Apple Cider Vinegar: At the first feeling of a sore throat I start to gargle with apple cider vinegar (salt water works similarly, but apple cider vinegar hasn't failed me yet)--to my knowledge the apple cider because of its pH/antimicrobial properties helps to kill whatever pathogen is causing the sore throat.

Manuka Honey: This is also good for sore throats and upper respiratory issues because of its antimicrobial properties, I know some people even use it as a preventative. In addition ...Manuka honey is great to keep around for topical applications such as-- acne, fungus, even MRSA!

Organic Wild Mediterranean Oregano Oil: Oregano is anti everything! It will kill whatever pathogen making you sick. It is another one that's good to keep on hand for topical applications. Be careful though, make sure you dilute it or buy a prediluted oil --even then proceed with caution as it is strong and it can burn. One of my favorite Oregano Oils is by Natural Factors providing minimum 80% carvacrol (which is one of the active ingredients in oregano). If you can't stand the taste it is also available as a capsule/soft gel. Oreganol makes some great oregano oil capsules. It's also a good idea to take probiotics while using oregano oil, but be sure to take them at least two hours apart so the oregano oil doesn't potentially kill the probiotics. 

Umcka: Umckaloabo aka Pelargonium sidoides is a south african herb that is beneficial in healing colds and other upper respiratory symptoms. It has been proven to help shorten the duration of those illnesses. I use Umcka by Nature's way it comes in a liquid, chewable tablet, and instant drink powder. 

Wishgarden Kick-Ass Immune & Kiss-Ass Biotic: I love Wishgarden products, they have herbal remedies for all types of ailments (plus it is women owned! :)). Kick-Ass Immune is great at exposure and it helps to ramp up your body's own natural defenses. Kick-Ass Biotic is for when you need an extra punch to get over your sickness and nothing else seems to be doing the trick. I love both! A trick from one of the Wishgarden Ambassadors is that you can also use kick-ass biotic topically for skin ailments (fungus, yeast, etc) ..think antibiotic, it's a killer! They have tons of seasonal wellness formulas such as Serious Cough, Deep Lung etc --Kick-Ass immune is at the top of the list because if you take it as soon as you begin to feel just the slightest bit sick--it will take care of it and you won't likely need to use another of their wellness formulas. 

Seasonal Wellness Teas: as some of you know I LOVE Traditional Medicinals teas. They have a great selection of seasonal wellness teas; Echinacea Plus Elderberry, Breathe Easy, Gypsy Cold Care, Throat Coat.  These teas are great and are a must have for me during this season-I always keep them on hand.
Echinacea Plus Elderberry is good to sip on regularly especially if you're constantly exposed to sick people like my husband and I tend to be. It contains two herbal heavy hitters echinacea and elderflower.
Breathe Easy is GREAT if you feel congested/having trouble breathing it will break it right up and you may wake up a snotty mess :P.
Gypsy Cold Care brings comfort during colds (I believe it helps you to get over it faster as well)
Throat Coat is great for sore throats very soothing in part to the 'mucilaginous' properties of slippery elm.
In addition to these wellness teas Traditional Medicinals has Throat Coat Lemon Echinacea and Echinacea Plus. Pick up Traditional Medicinals Wellness Sampler to have all these teas on hand as soon as you need them.  It's very convenient that you can find these teas in most grocery stores now.. once upon a time, you could only find them in health food stores.

Elderberry (Sambucus nigra): Yes elderberries made the list! I can definitely say over the past couple years the popularity of elderberries/elderflower have exploded for everything cold, cough, sore throat, flu related. The way I learned about elderberries years ago is that it is especially great for protection against influenza. Elderberry has been found to inhibit viruses from flourishing within the body... it also 'activates the healthy immune system by increasing inflammatory cytokines...'  I know many people who take it in place of the flu vaccine and it hasn't failed them yet.

Sovereign Silver is a favorite (it's another killer..anti 'everythaang' -- it's also good for topical applications.) There are many different colloidal silvers out there, but sovereign wins for me due to purity and particle size. Not only does it kill pathogens, there are plenty studies out there showing its immune supportive and modulating properties. Use it as a preventive or for acute support. It is also great to use with any of the other products I've mentioned in this post.

Medicinal Mushrooms- Last, but not least MUSHROOMS--mushrooms  (and the beta-glucans found in them etc) are great for supporting immune health all year round. I like the Host Defense Stamets 7 for daily immune health and the MyCommunity Capsules at onset of symptoms or when trying to treat an illness. Single mushrooms that are good for immunity include Turkey Tail, Agrikon, and Reishi  .

Honorable mentions go to echinacea ( I actually have quite a few echinacea containing products here--the traditional medicinal teas and kickass-immune contains echinacea). Quick Defense by Gaia (which contains two types of echinacea, elderberry, andrographis aka Indian echinacea," which are AWESOME , and ginger root),  propolis, olive Leaf, and Oscillococcinum by Boiron for the flu.

So I don't take all of these supplements all the time, but I have taken them in the past with good results--and/or have recommended them to clients who have come back with great feedback. I generally don't get sick, but whenever I feel the start of something coming on-- I implement a couple of these products along with plenty of sleep and it 'nips it in the bud'.

What are your go to seasonal wellness supplements or remedies? Leave a comment down below..

Take my word for it ;), but do your own research!
Thanks for reading!

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