'[tay]-[me]' | translation: MY OWN
OWN your health and wellness

Just say NO to agave

Maple flavored Agave ...what?!

Agave nectar is an alternative sweeter from the agave tequiliana plant aka the tequila plant. I remember when agave was the in thing because I was still working at Natural Grocers at the time and so many customers came in and were asking for it.  Agave is sweeter than sugar and more caloric dense per teaspoon.  Agave's main claim to fame was that it was lower on the glycemic index scale...

...in actuality the reason Agave ranks relatively low on the glycemic index is because it is mostly fructose. Fructose doesn't quickly raise blood sugar because it is not used well by our bodies. High fructose has been linked to insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, obesity and elevated triglycerides ...it is also very taxing on our livers. Agave actually has more fructose than high fructose corn syrup and by now I'm sure you have had heard about how high fructose is not good for us.

Do a quick google search and you'll see most experts no longer stand by agave.

I actually saw an interesting thing at target the other day, a maple flavored agave syrup it wasn't cheap either. Unless you happen to be allergic to maple syrup ...PURE maple syrup is very much superior to agave. Also honey ..PURE RAW honey is always a safe bet. Coconut Sugar, date syrup/sugar and plain old non gmo/organic cane sugar are all better alternatives than agave.

Remember all added sugars in moderation, I believe the less the better when it comes to added sugar ..we don't need much and we especially don't need agave. :)

Take my word for it ;), but do your own research! 
Thanks for reading!

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