'[tay]-[me]' | translation: MY OWN
OWN your health and wellness

Top 3 Supplements Everyone Should Take!

Everyday essentials: phone, keys, caffeinated drink, keys, sunglasses and VITAMINS! 

Disclaimer: I understand the arguments against supplements and I am not saying you can't be healthy without them. If you feel strongly against supplements I get it :) -I feel they have their place and can be very beneficial to our overall health. ESPECIALLY, when battling any ailment or symptom. I've seen it work. As with anything the quality of the supplements, how you take them and how often all factor in and are very important. Also supplements do not replace healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle :). You don't even have to take them daily many people take them every other day or don't take them on weekends--especially people who still want to take them, but feel they might be overworking their liver.  The brands of vitamins I recommend are vitamins that I like the quality, I have used myself, have been recommended by holistic practitioners, or I have received good feedback from clients. There are many good products in addition to these, just make sure to look at the label! 
Also before starting any supplements please check with your Doctor or nutrition professional/RD
Many people don’t believe in taking vitamins and supplements, but I believe that there comes a time when supplements are important. Because of our lifestyles & diets—supplements can help to maintain vibrant optimal help. Prevention is key; it is better to prevent any issue that can arrive from not having sufficient minerals/vitamins, than having to use mega doses to fix issues later. Today I discuss three supplements that I feel everybody should consider taking. There are three more vitamins in addition to these I suggest, but that will be a blog post for another day :)