'[tay]-[me]' | translation: MY OWN
OWN your health and wellness

Savory Oatmeal

Oats are a great complex carb, they are filling.. full of fiber including a soluble fiber called beta-glucan. Beta-glucans are beneficial for reducing cholesterol. There is also insoluble fiber in oats. 

Soluble fiber attracts water and forms a gel in our digestive tract this helps to delay stomach emptying 
 - this helps to regulate blood sugar because the sugar is released slower into our blood stream
 - as mentioned above soluble fiber is also helpful in lowering our LDL cholesterol.

Insoluble fiber goes through our digestion tract intact and adds bulk to stool
 - it is useful for promoting bowel regularity (it helps to keep you from getting constipated!)
 - it helps to move toxins quickly out of our colon 
 - it also helps to prevent colon cancer, by keeping the pH in our colon optimal

Oats are an extremely nutrient-dense food full of vitamins and minerals including:
  • Manganese: 191% of the RDI.
  • Phosphorus: 41% of the RDI.
  • Magnesium: 34% of the RDI.
  • Copper: 24% of the RDI.
  • Iron: 20% of the RDI.
  • Zinc: 20% of the RDI.
  • Folate: 11% of the RDI.
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamin): 39% of the RDI.
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): 10% of the RDI
Oats also have antioxidants called avenanthramides which help may help to increase nitric oxide production in the body. Nitric oxide helps to dilate blood vessels which in turn can help improve blood flow. 

Oatmeal can be eaten any meal of the day, but it most commonly is eaten as a breakfast food. I go through seasons of eating tons of oatmeal and not eating much at all. Most people tend to eat oatmeal with sweet toppings, but I am always looking for ways to cut out sugar and decided to try more savory combinations for oatmeal.

#shoutout to PUBLIX for these organic oats.
Organic oats are super hard to find outside of a
natural food store. 
Savory oatmeal has endless combination depending on what you like, you can try scrambled eggs, avocados, seaweed, kale, shredded cheese, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, onions etc. You can also use raw veggies, or saute them like I did. The oatmeal and the mix-ins can also all be sauteed together the possibilities are endless. 

Below are a few ideas:

Spinach + Parmesan + Red Pepper + Tomato = Spinach Parmesan Oatmeal  | Avocado + Salsa + Shredded Chicken = Tex-Mex Inspired Oatmeal |  Bacon + Tomato + Cheese + Lettuce (spinach or kale =  BLT (BLS BLK lol)  Oatmeal | Sausage + Pepper + Cheese + Scrambled Eggs = Sausage Breakfast Sandwich inspired oatmeal. 

Oats have a very neutral hearty taste so though these combinations might sound odd, oatmeal actually provides a perfect backdrop for many different combinations (Africans might even be familiar with using oatmeal as a substitute for solids/swallows)... and yes savory oatmeal is actually a thing, I was surprised how many recipes there were on google. 
(there truly is nothing new under the sun lol) 

More savory oat recipes:

You can also use steel cut oats which would be an even better option than regular old-fashioned oats. Steel cuts oats are less processed than regular oats--they are coarsely cut rather than being steamed and rolled, they also are a bit lower on the glycemic index (42 vs 55). I didn't feel like waiting for steel cut oats to cook so I used regular oats. 

Bob's Red Mill Steel Cut Oats

For this savory oatmeal, I decided to use:
boiled eggsspinach, green onions, cherry tomatoes. mushrooms. 

I spiced it up with:
black pepper, Himalayan pink salt, garlic powderparmesan dried parsley.  

I chopped everything up and sauteed it with avocado oil, my current favorite oil. (use whatever oil you like-- a high-quality olive oil, coconut oil, or even a great grass fed butter... Kerrygold is my favorite). I then sprinkled with the spices listed above.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

I prepared my oats according to manufacturer instructions and then topped my oatmeal with the sauteed veggies and added my hard boiled eggs. Some people like to saute the oats with the veggies, but I prefer mine as a topping. I sprinkled it with parmesan cheese and .....


This is a super informal meal idea and not a 'recipe... recipe', but I hope you enjoyed and thought of some great ideas for your savory oatmeal. If going forward you are interested in nutrition facts (fat, sugar, protein, calories etc) for my recipes/meal ideas please let me know and I'll be happy to add it to the blog post. 

not everytime sugary, sometimes SAVORY  (well most of the time SAVORY and lol, yes I know I'm corny 😋😁)

Thanks for reading and God Bless! ❤☮

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